Extreme Ice Survey


James Balog studied geomorphology at university but never wanted to be a climate scientist. Was wasn’t convinced that hitting people with overwhelming amounts of charts and data was going to get them to care about the climate crisis.


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So instead he taught himself photography, with no real professional help, and set himself on a path to document the impact of climate change on the planet through pictures. His vision was that people would be inspired to care more about the human impact of global warming if he connected with them emotionally through powerful images and dramatic time-lapse videos.



What he has created since deciding to devote his life obsessively to this mission is nothing short of spectacular. No amount of superlatives could do his work justice so I’ll just show you the trailer to the documentary he made and share with you a couple of his images, a few links and a couple of videos so that you can discover his work for yourself.


Follow these links to go on an adventure and just see where you end up. Your life will be the better for it.